You Need This In Your Detailing Arsenal!
If you didn’t know, Car Supplies Warehouse has a sister company called Chicago Auto Pros which is a detailing company that brings in a lot of high end cars. Chicago Auto Pros offers many services from paint protection film, vinyl, paint correction, ceramic coating and window tint installation.
Before we perform each of these services, it is important that we thoroughly prep each car. What separates Chicago Auto Pros from the rest is that we go above and beyond what most people are willing to do. We detail the spots that are hard to get to, take a more delicate touch, and areas that real car enthusiasts would appreciate.
With that said, we need the right tools to get the best results. That’s why at Chicago Auto Pros you will find Work Stuff brushes all over our shop!
Work Stuff Rubber Brushes
At Chicago Auto Pros, we love the Work Stuff Rubber Brushes because whether you are using them with gloves or not they have great grip. That means they are great for use wet! These brushes can withstand a lot of abuse so you never have to worry about its durability.
The Black and Classic Rubber brush are great for cleaning hard to reach areas like wheels, lug nuts, calipers, and the engine. These are also good for applying tire shine on really knobby tires!
The Albino Rubber brushes are great for interior and more delicate areas. We like to use them for trunk/door jambs, the engine bay and all areas you would use the black/classic brushes.
You can even use them on wheels that require a more delicate touch.
Work Stuff also offers these brushes in a non-rubberized handle if you want to save a little bit of money.
Work Stuff Ultra Soft Brushes
The Work Stuff Ultra Soft Brushes are an amazing addition to any detailing arsenal. There are times that we need to clean areas of a vehicle where we need to take extra care in not damaging the surface. Luckily, Work Stuff Ultra Soft brushes work really well for areas that require an even more delicate touch like badges, emblems, hard to reach painted areas, and even gloss black wheels!
You can also use them for dry cleaning and dusting the interior.
Work Stuff brushes get a lot of use around our shop. We ask a lot from our tools and that’s why we choose tools meant for professionals. Work Stuff never lets us down.